Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Yellow Jackets, Bees, Wasps, Hornets | Summer's Least Favorite Pests

Stinging pests are some of the most common pests that bother people during the summer.  Part of this is because people are outside more often in sunny (and partially cloudy but not torrential downpours) weather. Another part of this is that bees, wasps, yellow jackets and hornets tend to die off and/or overwinter and emerge again in spring and summer.

Bees and Wasps alike play important roles in their natural environment.  Bees help to pollinate plants and wasps help to keep down other insect population numbers.  They are, none the less, a pest when they enter into our living space.  Wasps and bees alike can sting and/or bite-- making them a pest that is most feared by children (and adults alike).

Often the behaviors of people who are afraid of these stinging pests encourage a sting.  Some good ways to avoid being stung include:

  • Avoid slapping at bees, wasps, yellow jackets and hornets.
  • Avoid flailing your arms trying to keep the stinging insect away, this actually encourages a sting.
  • Avoid sitting at picnic tables that are right next to garbage cans where yellow jackets and other wasps tend to scavenge for foods-- especially if you are afraid of stinging pests and prone to slapping at them.
  • Generally leave the bees and wasps alone and stay away from their nests.
  • If there is a bee or wasp nest in or around your home call Peak Pest Management to help you out!
(If you have a bee allergy or suspect you have a bee allergy this advice does not replace any that the doctor has given, it is simply a list of suggestions based on observation.)

For bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets and other common summer pests (like ants, spiders, box elder beetles, fleas, flies and more) please give Peak Pest Management a call or email!  We will help you get rid of or prevent pest problems!

Micah Wood
Peak Pest Management

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