Friday, July 20, 2012

Bugs! 41 States Have A "State Insect." Fun Fact Friday

I was checking out the Encyclopedia Smithsonian (tons of great info).  I am going to be honest, I was just paging through reading because I enjoy learning more about bugs-- pest or not!  I came across a page there listing state bugs!  Only 41 of the 50  have state bugs.  I was considering assigning pests to those states that have not chosen one.  Several states share the Monarch Butterfly (and why not, it is a beautiful insect!), several states have honey bees (again-- a great one).  I was thinking maybe Rhode Island, who hasn't chosen a state insect would be interested in the termite?  Surprisingly (OR NOT SURPRISINGLY AT ALL!), no state has claimed it!  No state claimed the bed bug, carpenter ant, carpet beetle, or paper wasp either!

Okay, joking aside, it is really interesting what insects states have chosen.  Here is a link to the complete list on the Smithsonian website. But I thought for our Oregon and Washington and Florida readers, I'd list yours!
Oregon- Oregon Swallowtail Butterfly
Washington- Green Darner Dragonfly
Florida- Zebra Longwing Butterfly (Florida is in here because it's where my mom lives-- if you read the blog and live in another state and wonder why I included it and not yours, that's why!)

"State Insects" Encyclopedia Smithsonian Web. 04/04
Department of Systematic Biology, Entomology Information Sheet 158


  1. Replies
    1. I suppose if you consider all stages of life of the "state insect" there would be. Butterflies, bees and dragonflies all have a larva phase in their life cycle.


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