Friday, November 16, 2012

Roaches Again | Fun Fact Friday | Pregnant for Life

First of all, I want to give you this little gem: There are cockroaches in Central and South America that are 6 inches long. 1/2 a foot.  I'll let that sink in for a moment before I move on to today's fun fact.  Not all cockroaches are pests, in nature they serve important roles (otherwise why would they exist? right?).

Okay, moving on to today's fun fact.  In some (I didn't check this for ALL) species of cockroaches, females mate once and then are pregnant for life.  That's right. Pregnant for life.  I can't pretend to understand this, but I know that my wife would not enjoy being pregnant for life.  It's not that they WHOLE process was miserable-- there were miserable moments to be sure.  It's just at the end of 9 months she was ready to be done.

Cockroaches don't get that (although let's be realistic, they also don't have all of the feelings and emotions that people do).  But nevertheless, they have some babies and then are STILL pregnant, with the next batch of cockroach babies.

Here is a video about the topic of cockroaches:

If you are experiencing a cockroach infestation, I understand that cockroaches are not a laughing matter.  Cockroaches and transfer a number of diseases that are harmful to people, by contaminating food sources.

These speedy pests can be really upsetting.  I am not just going to throw this information out there, if you are having a problem with cockroaches and would like some help, I'd be happy to help.  Peak Pest Management offers a wide range of pest control services for all of your pest control needs.  Cockroaches, mice, rats, fleas, ants, carpet beetles, and bedbugs are just a few pests that we see and help people get rid of all the time!

Give us a call, we'll help you out.

Micah Wood
Peak Pest Management
Pest Control Portland- 503-998-4322
Pest Control Seattle-  206-790-8285
Pest Control Vancouver- 360-607-1933

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pheromone Trails | Pest Control | Fun Fact Friday

Have you ever wondered why ants march in a line?  How bees remember which hive belongs to them? How wasps know to swarm when someone or something has been stung? Why rodents and other pests need to be treated regularly and a "one-time" treatment won't be effective? How animals and insects find mates?

The answer (or at least part of the answer) to these questions is pharomones.  By origin, pheromone can be translated to mean to bear (or transport) hormones.  Pharomones are used by many insects and animals including many social pests, including ants, rats, mice, bees, termites as well as many other pests.

Pharomones can be used to mark a trail to food.  With ants it is particularly noticable because they literally march in lines from their nest to a food source.  The trail that the line follows is marked with pheromones.  Rodents such as mice and rats will also leave pharomone trails from the nesting area to the food source.

Another use for pharomones is alarm.  Bees and wasps make the alarm pharomone easy to recognize.  When one bee or wasp stings a potential threat, they also release pharomones to attract other bees and wasps to join them in the attack.  This is especially true if a sting happens near a nest.

Furthermore pharomones are used by many insects and animals to attract a mate.  If you've ever wondered why there is an icky swarm of mating bugs, the answer is pharomones.  They are attracted together by pharomones.

Pharomones have other functions that I am not including in this post, but I just wanted to detail why pharomones are important and give some "fun" facts about them.  If you have ever heard a pest control professional refer to pharomones or pharomone trails and wondered what on earth they were talking about-- here is a pretty good basic idea of the function of pharomones.

This video has a very visual way of showing how ants communicate using pheromones.

For all of your pest control needs, Peak Pest Management has a solution!  If you're having issues with pests please give me, Micah, a call.

Micah Wood
Pest Control Portland 503-998-4322
Pest Control Vancouver 360-607-1933
Pest Control Seattle 206-790-8285
We have similar information on our website blog.  Click here to check it out.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cockroaches | Fun Fact Friday | Creepy Factor Upped

Cockroaches gross you out?  You're not the only one!  In fact it is a rare person who is not put off by roaches.  A cockroach infestation in a restaurant, school, or hospital is a serious problem-- cockroaches can carry and transfer bacteria and contaminate food and cooking utensils. 

Many people find the way they scurry for cover when the lights flip on creepy and disgusting.  But that is not our fun fact today!  Our fun fact today ups the creepy factor and rates right up there with Zombie Ants.

Cockroaches can live for weeks without their head.  Not hours, not days, but actually WEEKS!  Entomologists have actually done labs where they decapitated a cockroach and waited to see how long it lived.  The head of the cockroach is not immediately essential for survival.  They breathe through spiracles along the sides of their body and they can survive for weeks without food.  So a cockroach can move the legs and respond to stimuli without a head.  Because of the type of circulatory system that cockroaches have, their blood clots and they do not bleed out.  A decapitated cockroach will usually either become dehydrated or mold-- and that will be the actual cause of death, not the fact that they are missing their head.

Fair warning: This is NOT a Mickey Mouse video and not for those with a weak stomach/gag reflex!

If you are having an issue with cockroaches in your home or business and need help, please call me, Micah, at Peak Pest Management!  I'll help you get rid of cockroaches and/or other pests.

Micah Wood
Peak Pest Management LLC
Vancouver 360-607-1933
Portland 503-998-4322
Seattle 206-790-8285