In the spring and especially summer months pets tend to spend more time outdoors. Being outdoors creates the possibility of bring in fleas. Many pet lovers treat their furry family members for fleas and then experience an influx of fleas inside the home. This is normal. Because the flea medicine protects the pet from fleas, the fleas that would normally be on the pet are now in the house and occasionally jumping on and biting people.
Many people are embarrassed to call about fleas, thinking that people can "have fleas." Fleas will not infest a person like they infest a pet, but they will bite and rapidly multiply in a home. Flea eggs take a few days to hatch and are often in carpet, pet bedding etc. not just on the pets. Flea larva are blind remain hidden in dark areas while feeding on organic matter (including dead insects, plant matter and fecal matter). After various stages as larva, fleas will move into a pupa stage and finally emerge as an adult flea. It is only after a meal (of blood) that this parasitic insect is able to lay eggs.
Fleas are nothing to be embarrassed about. Fleas are all over the place, and our enviroment during the spring and summer months is pretty much the perfect climate for fleas to thrive. If you treat your furry family members for fleas and then start seeing larger numbers of fleas in the home, it might be a good time to call Peak Pest Management for an affordable, pet and kid safe flea treatment for the home.
Besides fleas, the warm summer months also tend to bring out the ants, bees, spiders, mice, rats, wasps and yellow jackets! If you're having pest problems this summer let me help you out! I'll get rid of your pests so you can enjoy the great weather while it's here!
Micah Wood
Peak Pest Management
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